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Călătorie în jurul lumii prin masa festivă

acest articol a fost tradus automat din English în română.

Postat pe 31/12/2020

imagine a articolului Călătorie în jurul lumii prin masa festivă

The 2020 year has brought us many challenges and changes. We have successfully overcome some of them, with some we are still struggling with, and some we have fully accepted and get used to it. Some of them are the impossibility of traveling and organizing celebrations, which perhaps we miss the most now during the holidays. However, we will not allow it to affect our mood and break the holiday spirit, instead, together we will set off on a journey around the world through the festive table.

The leader of our trip will be Uroš Urošević, CEO of the company winsedswiss Adria. In addition to being an excellent professional with broad experience in the hospitality industry, Uroš is also the most respected Serbian chef, actually, the first chef from Serbia to be accepted to the most prestigious culinary association "World Master Chefs Society".


To be ready for this trip around the world through the festive table, all you need is goodwill, a little effort, and a hand full of creativity, and Uroš will give you "tickets" for Spain, Sweden, and exotic Sri Lanka in the following text.


Necessary groceries:

1 kg of goat or lamb meat, 1 goat or lamb liver, a glass of strong red wine, 100 g of olive oil, a large red pepper, allspice, bay leaf, 5 cloves of garlic, salt, and pepper


Fry 3 cloves of garlic in olive oil, then take them out and set aside, and in the same dish, fry the meat cut into smaller pieces, pepper cut into cubes, and bay leaf. When the meat is fried on all sides, pour wine and cook on low heat, occasionally adding water. When the meat is tender and the sauce is thick, fry the remaining garlic cloves separately, mash them together with the previous one, and pour it into the dish. Now put the sliced ​​liver and other spices in the pot, pour in a little water, and cook everything until the sauce thickens again.



Necessary groceries:

5 medium-sized potatoes, 2 large heads of red onion, 25 pieces of marinated anchovies, 350 g of mileram (sour cream), salt, pepper, 120 g of breadcrumbs, 40 g of melted butter


Heat the oven to 220 degrees. Peel a potato, grate it and slice it (it can also be roughly grated or cut into very thin slices). Peel an onion and cut it into thin ribs. Fry the onion in butter until it softens, over medium heat, and then remove from the heat. Grease a baking dish and put a third of the potato on the bottom. Then add half the amount of onion and anchovies and spice it by adding salt and pepper. Repeat the process once more and finish with the potatoes. Pour this mass with mileram (sour cream) until you cover ¾ of the content. Mix the breadcrumbs with the melted butter and put on top. Bake in the oven until the content is baked, about 50 minutes.


Sri Lanka - BIBIKKAN

Necessary groceries:

1 kg of grated fresh coconut, 375 ml of coconut milk, 1 kg of brown sugar, 500 g of powdered sugar, 100 g of rice flour, 200 g of chopped cashews, 2 tablespoons of a mixture of ground cloves, cardamom, and cinnamon, ½ teaspoons of salt, 2 teaspoons of grated lemon peel.


Heat the oven to 160˚C. Dissolve yellow sugar and powdered sugar in coconut milk, pour into a dish, add salt and boil it. Add the coconut pulp and cook until the mass becomes sticky, being careful not to burn it. Remove the mass from the heat, slowly add the flour and mix it well. Combine cashews, mixed spices, and lemon peel with the mass. Place in a baking dish and bake.


Uroš Urošević
winsedswiss Adria



Articolul anterior

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Soft Skills, „Hospitude” și Ospitalitatea Afectivă

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Următorul articol

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Au început înscrierile pentru o serie nouă de cursanți la prima academie de ospitalitate din România licențiată de École hôtelière de Lausanne

Academia de Management în Ospitalitate ohma by winsedswiss din Oradea, școală care funcționează sub licența prestigioasei instituții elvețiene École hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL), anunță înscrierile pentru o nouă serie de cursuri la programele vocaționale destinate persoanelor interesate să urmeze o carieră internațională în domeniul ospitalității. 


Postat pe 11/01/2021

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