Craftsmen II
In the first part of this article, we were talking about the major need to rehabilitate vocational education (a subject that is valid not only in Romania) to positively change the future of our young people as well as the Romanian economy. This type of education, which can take various forms, has become a topic of the day throughout the European Union and beyond.
Romania / Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Making the case for a career in the hospitality industry
Romania / Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Romania / Tuesday, February 14, 2023
"The waiter is not a food carrier, he has to tell you a story."
Romania / Friday, February 3, 2023
Prof. Dr. RAY F. IUNIUS, CEO of WINSEDSWISS EDUCATION GROUP: ChatGPT or how we made a pact with the devil
S-a încheiat un an haotic şi dezamăgitor, însă am început poate unul dintre cel mai puţini previzibili ani. Un an în care toate se pot întâmpla, bune sau rele. 2023 însă este un an ale cărui premise ne indică schimbări importante în toate domeniile şi poate cea mai importantă evoluţie sau chiar revoluţie se petrece deja sub ochii noştri în economia digitală.
Romania / Thursday, February 2, 2023
The first generation of students of the ohma Oradea hospitality academy took the final exam, consisting of preparing the opening of a hotel or restaurant
This week, students of the Hotel Administration and Culinary Arts programmes from the ohma academy in Oradea, operated under the license "Vocational Education and Training by Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne", successfully passed two exams that tested their skills developed over a year and a half.
Romania, English / Friday, July 22, 2022
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