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Meet our team


George Craciun

Culinary Trainer

My name is George Crăciun, and I am the head chef trainer at Ohma. Leveraging my professional experience and applying the EHL methodology, I guide students in acquiring the necessary skills to work as professional chefs, adhering to the standards associated with first-class culinary operations.

In my 15 years of experience, I have strived to excel in the hospitality industry. I have always been connected with professionals and driven towards knowledge, understanding that good results come from diligence. Through my presence at Ohma, I aim to contribute to the training of the next generation of chefs, facilitating their access to my knowledge by creating an interactive environment.



‘Comfort is the enemy of progress’ – P.T. Barnum

Meet our team

Image for the article named Prof. Ray F. Iunius, PhD

Prof. Ray F. Iunius, PhD

Chief Executive Officer education group

Image for the article named Christine Schillings

Christine Schillings

Chief Executive Officer Romania

Image for the article named Adrian Dumitriu

Adrian Dumitriu

Head of ohma by Vocational Education and Training center for hospitality, ohma trainer

Image for the article named George Baciu

George Baciu

Culinary Trainer

Image for the article named George Craciun

George Craciun

Culinary Trainer

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